Breast Care

From mammography to biopsies, Scenic Mountain Medical Center is dedicated to keeping women healthy, educated and informed about breast health.

Breast Care

1601 W. 11th Place
Big Spring, Texas 79720

Pink the Basin

Need a mammogram but don’t think you can afford it? Learn how you can apply for assistance through Pink the Basin. Click here to learn more or ask one of our breast care staff members about Pink the Basin funds when you call to schedule your annual mammogram.

Pink the Basin is a non-profit organization that believes every woman deserves to know if they have breast cancer. Fueled by a passion that comes from their differing experiences with the disease, the Pink the Basin board members and volunteers work tirelessly to raise the money it takes to realize their dream.

Ector and Midland county reports show that four out of five women over 40 did not get a mammogram. Through the generosity of West Texans who open their hearts and pocketbooks to women in need of services, but who either have no health care coverage or limited health insurance, mammography services and prostheses are made available.

Funds are distributed to partnering hospitals throughout the Permian Basin, who provide mammograms and other breast cancer diagnostic services. Hand in hand with the community, Pink the Basin embraces the hope that all women will have the resources they need to become ambassadors of their own health.


At Scenic Mountain Medical Center, women benefit from sophisticated mammography systems that improve their comfort, require less time and, most of all, enhance image quality to aid in the early detection of breast cancer. 

Digital Mammography
Our state-of-the-art digital mammography system makes this important exam faster and more precise than ever. Digital mammography is different from conventional mammography in how the image of the breast is viewed and, more importantly, manipulated. 

If your mammogram detects an abnormality, we can conduct a biopsy, which is where a small tissue sample is taken to determine if cancer is present. Though the majority of biopsies find no cancer, this minimally invasive procedure is the best way to be sure. Using advanced targeting and guidance technology, this procedure can be performed with pinpoint accuracy. It requires only a small incision and local anesthesia.

Mammography services are offered Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Patients age 40 and older may schedule their own screening. If you are under age 40, talk to your physician about a referral.


How to Perform a Breast Self-Exam
How to Perform a Breast Self-Exam
A breast self-exam is a step-by-step examination of your breasts that you do yourself to help detect changes in your breasts that might be a sign of cancer.